Njihuni me modelen e parë në botë


Harrojeni Cindy Crawford apo Naomi Campbell: supermodelja e parë e Amerikës ishte Evelyn Nesbit, e lindur në vitin 1884.

Bukuroshja nga Filadelfia vdiq në vitin 1967.

Ajo ishte modelja më e kërkuar e fillimit të shekullit të 20-të, një erë kur sapo kishte nisur bumi i reklamave dhe fotove.

Ajo ishte në gazeta, revista, në reklama, në suvenirë, në kalendarë e kudo.

Fama e saj kapi qiellin kur u përfshi në çështjen e vrasjes së ish- të dashurit, që u mbiquajt edhe “gjyqi i shekullit”.

Pasi u vdiq babai, duke e lënë familjen skocezo- irlandeze në varfëri, Nesbit nisi modelingun.

Shumë shpejt ajo ishte modelja më e kërkuar në Nju Jork.

Ajo përfundoi duke u martuar me milionerin Harry K. Thaw, pas këshillës së mamasë së saj.

Një vit më vonë, Thaw e çoi në një kabaret në Madison Square Garden.

Atje iu afrua ish- të dashurit të Nesbit, Stanford White, arkitektit që ka projektuar MSG-në, dhe e qëlloi tre herë nga afër, dy herë në fytyrë dhe njëherë në shpatull.

White e kishtë përndjekur vazhdimisht Nesbit.

Nesbit u dënua me tetë vite dhe i kaloi në një azil për çmenduri kriminale.

Ndërkohë Nesbit vazhdoi karrierën, këtë herë edhe me filma, ndërsa lindi një djalë.


The copper-haired beauty from Philadelphia, who died in 1967, was the most sought-after model in the 20th century; an era when fashion photography as an advertising medium was just beginning its ascendancy

Appearing in mass circulation newspaper and magazine advertisements, on souvenir items and calendars, Nesbit was a Gilded Age celebrity -- her fame peaking when she became embroiled in her ex-lover's murder

After her father died, leaving her modest Scottish-Irish family in debt, Nesbit began to model -- fully clothed -- for artists as a way out of poverty

She quickly became high in demand, with artists like Violet Oakley, who specialized in portraits and stained glass, using Nesbit as a model for her stained-glass windows in churches throughout Philadelphia

In June 1900, the family moved to New York City to pursue Nesbit's modeling career. James Carroll Beckwith, whose main patron was John Jacob Astor, introduced her to Manhattan's most renowned artists

Sculptor George Grey Barnard’s piece Innocence, which now sits in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, was modeled off Nesbit, as was Charles Dana Gibson’s 1905 piece, Women: The Eternal Question

It wasn't long before she was used on the illustrated covers of journals and magazines, such as Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, and Ladies’ Home Journal

Nesbit then began to model for tobacco cards, calendars and chromolithographs, often posing for illustrators in costume, when fashion photography was just emerging

Nesbit starred in a handful of silent films from 1914 onward, including The Woman Who Gave (1918, pictured)

Nesbit met millionaire Harry K Thaw, and following her mother's advice, she married him in 1905. Here she is pictured 25 years later, returning to New York after a 'long absence' 

Nesbit, pictured at age 69 in Los Angeles, taught ceramics and sculpting in her later years


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